Check-weigher Software

This is one of the softwares running on the DW-## multifunction WEIGHT controllers series. According to this software you’ll be entitled to realise the check-weighing of all type of products like: packages, pieces, etc.
When looking for a controller with these features remember how your present expectations may change in the future and how could the considered system be adapted to the new working way.

- 3 outputs availables (correct weight, weight default and weight excess)
- Provided with opto-isolated digital input to be used as repeater of the front keypad (start, stop, pause, etc.).
- 200 products in memory (only for DW-XT and DW-CT)(CheckAdv version).
- Configuration options protected by PASSWORD.
- Provided with DW-REMOTE WINDOWSTM-based software to configure the controller.
- Allows to transmit data weight to main PC.
- Allows to connect to the net till 99 controllers to be managed from a main PC.
- OVER / UNDER Control (Traffic light / Manual Filling).
- Check-weigher with package detection by foto-eye.
- Check-weigher with package detection by weight threshold.
- All 3 previously modes allows 200 products in memory (only for DW-XT and DW-CT).
- Report on every weight.
- Report at the end of every weighed batch.
- Communication with other devices via RS232,RS485 or Modem.
- Barcode label printing of the weight.
- Communication protocol adaptability to different systems.
- Any kind of modification on customer’s demand.
* All information presented herein is subject to change without notice.